Time after Time!


You have a lot of shopping to do, do you? Still buying gifts? You’re the best gift ever! 😉 Being here with us friends from the US, China, Germany, Trinidad & Tobago, Nigeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, India, Canada, Philippines, Germany, Ukraine, and the UK is our best gift! 😉

Cashmere in LoveSpeakers of English as a second language, sometimes, do not find the right resources, although they are, oh boy, tremendous.

Following up with our last post for ESL, here’s more idioms within context to be used in your classes:

“Tonya put the cart before the horse when she told Sheila to get ready for Paris trip, coz the trip was not approved yet. Sheila was busy with her finals for which she said she had a red-letter day. Suddenly, Liz, although she was not a spring chicken, explained what went wrong.

Tonya didn’t like the interference of Liz, and asked her not to rock the boat. Liz answered that she couldn’t keep silent until she saw Sheila having a rude awakening.”

Ashley challenged you to get all the meanings correctly, but I think they are not that hard to figure out! 😮

Oh! It’s our intention to talk about writing and why people write as we told you yesterday. One explanation mentioned that a number of writers wanted to be remembered when they were gone.

We’ll talk more about that very soon.

Until then, seek your inspiration tools,  enjoy writing, enjoy people, enjoy your music, enjoy life with our hugs and kisses ❤Cashmere in Love

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